The video below from two years ago talks about how this company got me so passionate about technology and I’ve enjoyed every moment of it, even the hard times.
Over the past five years, not only have I been developing the .Net backend infrastructure that is now the business’s core lead generation platform but I found time to also compete in extreme charitable events such as completing two Ironman events and also founded a .Net Usergroup right here in Liverpool!
None of which could I have achieved without the true leadership and support from TLA. I just want to say a big thank you to everyone who played a part in this journey and helped me be the developer and person I am today.
I wish TLA all the best as they embark on the next phase of enhancing their platform and I hope our paths cross again one day. But as one door closes, others open and I am extremely excited for what is to come in my next future role.
For my next role, I would like to gain more front-end exposure to help me transition to a more full-stack role ideally picking up more knowledge around Typescript and React or similar technologies.
I’m very entrepreneurial and have loved being innovative in my role helping architect out the platform at TLA. My true passion for the future is to one day start a technology company of my own so exposure to leadership and building on my current technical knowledge while helping support a company would ideally be in my best interest and serve the company I support next.
If you feel you have a position that I could potentially be a good fit for please reach out via my [email protected]